Dark bride
mitt første portrett.
Det er bilder fra et hårshow..
  • nikon D100
  • 24-85mm
  • Brennvidde24mm
  • Blenderf/3.5
  • Lukker1/60s
  • Filmtypeiso200
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriPortrett
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger451
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Kritikker (3)
Georg K.

It might sound patronizing - and still I have to do it - this image of yours is of true and rare beauty.
Of course it is your model, the expression of her - the girl in an act, posing the '' dark bride '' which delivers much of this attraction - but as the model she is depending on your understanding as photographer.
The angle - conventional unconventional - the given frame - a hair-show, is to my mind not really part of the image - and still - the photo has a great deal of fragile beauty.
Looking at her hands, looking at the shoulders - and trying to match this with the hair with reminiscences to the 20's - this brings some depths into the image.
She has a beautiful look - and you have find a great setting to bring this into your image - from choice of colour until the strange view from above into her eyes - there is a strong connection between your lens and these yes - in the end - you have created a great portrait of this young girl.
Asking me - it is almost impossible to ignore the models expression, trying to concentrate on photographic issues - when the main challenge is to create an image of her - and I think you succeeded - so it is bra.
A clever and effective setting - and optimal use of your model - even though this might sound cold and calculated.
Daniel W.

Thank you, that was almost overvelming. :D
Silje Charlotte S.

Hei Daniel!

Jeg synes du har tatt et fint portrett. Modellen har et ærlig uttrykk og fargene er fine. Vinkelen er morsom og bakgrunnen er tøff. Jeg synes imidlertid ikke skyggene under venstre øye er særlig fint - ville kanskje prøvd å få skyggen enda mer tydeligere eller fått mer lys på henne og fjernet den helt. Nå er den liksom litt sånn halvveis. Ellers er det flott! :)

Silje Charlotte
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